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Published: 16.06.2022

The Walking Dead: The main aracter of the series who has not appeared in the comics

January 06, 2022 10:36 p.m.

In the television series The Walking Dead,nearly every major aracter from the comic book series on whi the show is based has appeared, why isn\'t daryl in the walking dead comics. However, there is one aracter, Daryl Dixon, who never appeared in the comics. But why hasn't the fan-favorite aracter ever appeared in the comics?

Daryl Dixon is one of the few aracters from The Walking Dead television series that has not appeared in the comics pages

Norman Reedus' Daryl Dixon became the main aracter of the television series, having originally been introduced as Merle's brother. After being a small part of the main survivors, Daryl's biker hero would evolve over time into one of the toughest and kindest peoe in the group.

After Andrew Lincoln left the show in season nine, Reedus became the show's main aracter, whi is kind of crazy to think about considering he's one of the few aracters whi are cometely original to the popular zombie show.

So why didn't Daryl do the crossover in The Walking Dead comic series? In the recently cometed 193-issue issue of the comic, Daryl isn't even mentioned. But that seemed quite intentional on the part of the series' co-creator, Robert Kirkman. While Kirkman has joked that Daryl doesn't exist in the comic due to "Norman Reedus image rights," he also said that the aracter's lack in the comics makes things more appealing. Norman Reedus' Daryl Dixon never appeared in the original The Walking Dead comics and is the series' own creation

A coue of years after The Walking Dead first appeared on television, Kirkman said that he had considered adding the aracter to the comics and that the actor himself "is always pestering him about it's". The creator himself took the opportunity to clarify that he agrees with the separation of some aracters between the television show and the comics, as a mutual benefit between the two stories.

Ultimately, once The Walking Dead came to its surprise comic conclusion this year, Daryl never appeared in the comics. As Kirkman mentioned, that's probably for the best. Norman Reedus has made Daryl cometely his own and seeing his fate in an ongoing series would have been a bit strange, even if it had been a great ending for fans. Part of what makes the TV series great is how it has adapted the stories and aracters in new and interesting ways, including Daryl.
